Dr. Joanna Łoś
CSO and Research Specialist
Bacteriophage biologist and expert in phage and prophage biology, Joanna received her PhD from the University of Gdańsk (Poland) in 2010, where she later continued her work as an Assistant Professor carrying out her own research. Her expertise includes induction and development of prophages including Shiga-toxin encoding prophages, highly sensitive phage and prophage detection methods, metagenomic analyses of complex microbial samples, and biology of virulent phages. Joanna is an expert in work with strict anaerobes, human and veterinary pathogens, and their bacteriophages. Joanna is an author of 25 scientific papers in various fields of microbiological research, mostly involving bacteriophages.

Dr. Klaudia Milewska-Kierul
Molecular biologist and bacteriologist, expert in biotechnological production of bacteria and their bacteriophages in bioreactors. Klaudia finished her PhD studies at the University of Gdańsk (Poland) in 2018, in her project she optimized culturing conditions of marine bacteria, as well as studied their adaptative responses and regulation. Klaudia uses her expertise to devise, optimize, and scale up new technologies and procedures for culturing, maintaining, and purification of diverse bacteria ranging from human pathogens to extremophiles in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Klaudia is an expert in conducting analyses related to the detection and identification of bacteriophages.