Our team

Phage Consultants helps companies fight and prevent bacteriophage infection.
Our Team of scientists has in-depth knowledge and vast experience not only in phage research, but also in environmental microbiology and molecular biology. The team is led by the company’s founder Dr Marcin Los, an expert in the field of phage biology with particular focus on phage development in fermentation setups. Our five full-time scientists, most holding a PhD degree, and a MSci-level technician all have an excellent scientific record confirmed by multiple peer-reviewed publications.

Dr. Marcin Łoś

CEO and owner
For over twenty years, Marcin has worked in the field of bacteriophage research, as shown by the vast record of 65 scientific publications in various topics revolving around bacteriophage biology. Marcin has worked in both academic and industrial settings all over Europe (such as University of Bradford, UK; Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany; University of Oulu, Finland; or Institute for Silicon Technology, Germany), including work as an Assistant Professor leading his own team of researchers at the University of Gdańsk (Poland). Author of multiple biotechnological production technologies, owner and co-owner of multiple patent applications, Marcin is considered an expert in the field of combating and preventing phage contamination in biotechnological processes and in the development of phage-based technologies.

Dr. Joanna Łoś

CSO and Research Specialist
Bacteriophage biologist and expert in phage and prophage biology, Joanna received her PhD from the University of Gdańsk (Poland) in 2010, where she later continued her work as an Assistant Professor carrying out her own research. Her expertise includes induction and development of prophages including Shiga-toxin encoding prophages, highly sensitive phage and prophage detection methods, metagenomic analyses of complex microbial samples, and biology of virulent phages. Joanna is an expert in work with strict anaerobes, human and veterinary pathogens, and their bacteriophages. Joanna is an author of 25 scientific papers in various fields of microbiological research, mostly involving bacteriophages.

Dr. Klaudia Milewska-Kierul

Molecular biologist and bacteriologist, expert in biotechnological production of bacteria and their bacteriophages in bioreactors. Klaudia finished her PhD studies at the University of Gdańsk (Poland) in 2018, in her project she optimized culturing conditions of marine bacteria, as well as studied their adaptative responses and regulation. Klaudia uses her expertise to devise, optimize, and scale up new technologies and procedures for culturing, maintaining, and purification of diverse bacteria ranging from human pathogens to extremophiles in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Klaudia is an expert in conducting analyses related to the detection and identification of bacteriophages.

Dr. Klaudyna Krause

Research Scientist
Molecular biologist and expert in bacterial virulence. Klaudyna received her PhD in molecular biology in 2022 from the University of Gdańsk (Poland), where she focused on molecular basis of pathogenicity and virulence of Vibrio cholerae. On top of strong background in bacterial biology (particularly in DNA replication and metabolism), Klaudyna has vast experience in culturing pathogenic bacteria in, on small scale and in bioreactors. She uses that experience to optimize culturing conditions of various bacterial species required for bacteriophage propagation and for routine sample testing. Klaudyna is responsible for quality control.

M.Sc. Patrycja Szamborska

Junior R&D Specialist
Molecular biologist and microbiologist. Patrycja joined us during her MSci degree at the University of Gdańsk, where she investigated metabolic processes occurring in Escherichia coli as well as studied various antibacterial agents. She uses her experience for phage discovery and characterization, including discovery of phages targeting less common bacteria. Patrycja is also responsible for customer communication and coordinating the  supply chain of samples shipments. 

M.Sc. Julia Gromelska

Research and Technical Associate
Molecular biologist and microbiologist. Julia completed a master's degree at the University of Gdańsk, where their thesis investigated how cellular signals coordinate global regulatory processes and DNA replication in response to environmental factors. This work involved proteomic analysis (using mass spectrometry and high-performance liquid chromatography) and flow cytometry on Escherichia coli strains with altered (p)ppGpp levels. In their current role, Julia is responsible for microbiological purity control, maintaining the cell bank, and providing necessary materials for testing. Julia is also pursuing studies in Computer Science to further develop skills in data analysis and technology.

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